Research shows that the Indie music genre is typically young people aged 14 to 26.
The reason for this is the representation and image of indie bands like our chosen band The Kooks appeals to people of this age. The fact that the band members are young means that people between this age can relate to the bands image, self-written lyrics and emulate their style.
Many indie bands are independent, like The Kooks were before they got signed to virgin records so they rely on technology to promote themselves. Statistics prove
that websites such as MySpace and the television channel MTV (particularly MTV Rock for this genre) are most viewed by 14 to 26 year olds of both genders. This means that people of this age are far more likely to discover indie bands like The Kooks and attend gigs or download music by them.
Although The Kooks are now mainstream, initially they were independent and younger fans often like following bands that are out of the spotlight as they contrast today's pop filled charts. With a lack of manufacturing shown through there laid back style and emotive lyrics The Kooks maybe imperfect but they offer a more realistic approach to music. You especially notice this when watching RnB videos which are high budget with singers and dancers often looking perfect.
Reaching the audience
The Kooks show that they know there niche audience is young and pro dominantly use the Internet on a daily basic, this is why 'The' is a good way of keeping fans updated on the band. I've noticed that the site is updated with videos of the band and messages daily which helps to keep current fans updated. There are also interactive features where fans can leave feedback or just general messages that are in some case replied too.
Fans can talk together as they may have similar outlooks on life if they like similar music and share photos of the band from when they went to see them. Although The Kooks have now been signed by Virgin there are still elements of them being an independent band such as the recent competition for a drawing/photo for their new iPod case. This involves the audience and shows that the band value their opinions.
Fans of the India genre want to be able to relate to what the lyrics of songs are about, so The Kooks often sing about everyday emotions for adolescents.
For example in our chosen song 'Sway' the lyrics 'Take what ever you have to take I'll stand by you' show the willingness to stick by someone. Also the altering melody of the song puts forward a constant change of mood relating to how fast your emotions can alter.
In the final paragraph you wrote India genre. I believe you meant indie.